Tritech have won two awards at the All Ireland Occupational Safety Awards 2023. We were awarded a Higher Distinction award, as well as a Consistent High Achiever award.
The All Ireland Occupational Safety Awards are Ireland’s premier safety awards, recognising organisations that demonstrate excellence in health and safety management.
The awards are judged by a panel of experts, and the criteria include the organisation’s safety management system, its commitment to employee training and development, and its performance in terms of accidents and injuries.
The Higher Distinction award is testament to our commitment to creating a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and the Consistent High Achiever Award recognises Tritech consistently achieving high standards of safety over a period of time.
In this video, we meet Tritech engineering’s plumbers, electricians, project managers, and engineers. We hear from them about what could happen if work is not carried out safely on site, and how it makes them feel to consider the consequences.
Hear from our Senior H&S Advisor, Ruth Hayes as she explains how we foster our health & safety culture.
As a means to engage our workforce completely in a leading safety culture, we have developed (or introduced) a range of Health & Safety initiatives such as Site safety Leader Boards, Safety Representative committees, rebranding competitions, and regular onsite safety campaigns and competitions with regular awards to acknowledge our workforce’s efforts.
Tritech Engineering are proud to be members of NISO and our Health & Safety achievements have been rewarded with regular “ Distinction” awards over the last number of years.
In 2011 Tritech received Safe T Cert accreditation and held this until 2018. In 2019 we were accredited with ISO 45001:2018 which we still currently hold.
Tritech Engineering are committed to continuous improvement in our safety culture. Regular training for our team include Managing Safely in Construction, CIF Site Supervisor training for all management personnel and regular training for all staff. In 2020 we developed our Training Academy that allow us to focus on upskilling on our apprentice and trades people but also refocusing on regular Heath & safety programs including Behavioural Based Safety.
Tritech recognise changing behaviour is more important than changing processes. We have enhanced our commitment to employee development by launching our own in-house Academy. The Academy serves to sharpen the knowledge and skills of our employees.
We put our employees first by providing trainings ranging from technical, soft skills, statutory, leadership and management. Our goal is to improve their skills and develop their potential.
Tritech Engineering lives by commitment of continuous improvement within the values of a sustainable safety culture.
Driving promotion towards the Safety and wellbeing of our workers draws our workforce closer to what we as Tritech believe in and makes the deliverance of their compliance noticeable.
By placing the involvement and participation of our workforce at the starting line helps us to move and grow in one direction as one unit and employees embrace a collaborative approach to implementation and review processes and procedures with overall system.
We value the input of each and every individual within our organisation, as every suggestion leads to an improved Safety Culture. Our Safety Committee is represented by staff from all divisions of Tritech (e.g., Head office, Electrical, Mechanical & Maintenance)
This team of dedicated individuals represents the wider workforce in matters related to safety and wellbeing and improves engagement across the business. The Safety Committee initiates a safe space for discussion on any safety matters within the working environment and provides insight to how the safety culture is and should be driven.
They create a sense of comfort and security when any issue arises on site to which the employee feels he/she cannot share freely with the EHS advisor or Site Supervision. Our Safety Committee also assists in promoting any recommend Health & safety Initiatives. Our Safety Committee is a dedicated team that meets monthly to discuss safety in Tritech and how to constantly improve and better our safety culture amongst our workforce.
Don’t take our word for it – these third party certifiers give you the assurance and peace of mind that we have been independently verified, are regularly audited and are qualified to undertake the work you need.
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